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  • Polski
Agencja Celna Szczecin
Sea forwarding


Intermodal freight containers are very convenient, fast and the most dynamic developing means of transport.

Container transport is well-known for its regularity, punctuality and multiple loading possibilities (many various types of cargo are accepted). Nowadays the network of container connections covers most of seaports of the world, even exotic ones. Many different types of containers allow us transporting almost every sort of cargo. Cooperating with many reputable container shipping lines MAGEMAR is able to offer door-door transport on very attractive conditions.
Thanks to experience and knowledge of its stuff MAGEMAR also helps to organize sea transport, to issue shipping and trade documentation, to arrange custom clearance. Questions concerning trade conditions and international transport are always welcome. We are here to find solution for your doubts and troubles. Most consultations are free of any charge for our customers.
magemar – kontenery, spedycja morska


MAGEMAR POLSKA is providing following sea transport services : conventional liner delivery, conventional charter delivery, delivery of goods in containers and sea transport advise/help. Conventional liner service is the most convenient transport mode offered by our company. It gives you possibility to plan deliveries in advance and there are no volume/tonnage restriction.
Standard neutral goods are carried inside the holds of the vessels so measurement and weight of cargo is not limiting transport. This kind of shipping is very popular and reducing paper work.
magemar – transport morski konwencjonalny


Next shipping activity offered by MAGEMAR is break-bulk transportation arranged by charter vessels. It has exceptional importance in relations not covered by regular connection. Its main advantage is relatively low cost (we use vessels available on freight market and operating near our port of interest) and short transit time (usually vessel does not sail via other ports but goes directly to destination).
Freight rate depends on actual levels on freight market at the moment of charter agreement negotiation. Tramp shipping always demands certain special requirements. Shipowner determines the amount of cargo which he is able to contract on required relation. In most cases demanded quantity starts from 1 000 metric tons for near transports and grows with every kilometer of additional distance.

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